Saturday, December 20, 2008

Prayer for your commute

On my daily commutes, I listen to podcasts. One I have grown to rely on and really enjoy is called "Pray As You Go." The podcast is produced by a co-ed British Jesuit community and provides a 10 to 13 minute prayer service Monday through Friday. Each podcast starts with a musical selection that relates to the day's reading. The music varies from monastic chant to contemporary numbers to Taizé. Then a member of the community reads a selection from the day's lectionary readings. After that, another member leads you through a question-oriented time of reflection based on the text. The reading is read a second time, and you are then led into a time of intimate prayer and petition. The podcast ends with the Gloria.

I like this podcast for its consistency and also for the significant portions of time left in silence for personal prayer and thought. Find it online here.

1 comment:

Charles R said...

Thanks for sharing this site!
