Monday, December 15, 2008

The Brick Testament--Bible in Lego

Just in case you were wondering if the internet has everything, today I share a recent discovery: an online illustrated Bible made out of Legos. It's called the Brick Testament, and I wouldn't exactly say that it is for children.

Here's a scene from the gospel of Luke wherein Jesus exorcises the Gerasene demoniac:


Rachel said...

It's not for children? Uh-oh. I put a copy of The Brick Testament at tot-level in our church office!

My word verification = peesser

Brett Hendrickson said...

Go get it quick! Did you see the extremely explicit section on what to do to those who commit bestial acts? It's a real primer for the perplexed.

Harold said...

Amazing. I suppose some of the interesting folks out there are purists. Maybe "The Brick Testament" ought to have explicit warnings on the particular renderings in question.

Brett, I'll be linking to your blog from mine. I hope all is well with you and the family. Marian and I are planning a trip to six flags in the spring. Perhaps we can sit down for a cup of coffee.

With love, The Ragan Family

Brett Hendrickson said...

Hi Harold! Thanks for commenting--glad you find our new blog in its infancy. I'll subscribe to your feed.

Brett Hendrickson said...

BTW, where can I find your blog? I wasn't able to track back from your profile.

Harold said...

Hey Man! It's a brand new blog. Only one post thus far. I will be updating it daily though. You may find it to be boring as it relates strongly to my industry. Here is the link:

The RaganPro Blog


Rebecca Clayton said...

Glad you're back in Blogland!

I'm having trouble with "The Brick Testament as Time Sink." I started out with "Acts of the Apostles," and now I just can't leave it alone.

The Washington Post reviewer called the book "whimsical." I still haven't found what they were looking at.